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The 3 BIG mistakes that sabotage your presence

Ready to unveil your true beauty and power?  The energy of color is the bridge 🌈 to help you do just that!

It makes the invisible, visible. In today’s video, I cover the 3 big color mistakes that could sabotage your presence.

Here are the time codes so you can jump right to the 3 mistakes:

  • [00:41]  #1 WEARING BLACK
    Because it’s considered a safe color, you become hidden with it and it doesn’t lift your energetic body.

    Please don’t rely on those one-size-fits-all, boxed approaches to color…I’m talking about the seasons’ pre-made palettes.

  • [04:24] #3 NOT USING YOUR COLORS
    You’ll never see how much joy color can bring to your life when you play it safe. Have fun with color!

  • [07:41] Using color for emotional support


✨ I cover the 5 Color Personalities in this video



Need more inspiration and guidance?

You may find my at-your-pace courses on personal and spiritual colors helpful. 

2 Ways to Unveil the Secrets Within YOU(hue):

1. Determine your soul color with a Guided Meditation
2. Create an integrated and authentic life with private, intuitive guidance.

10% Savings on all readings thru Dec 31. Use code COLORJOY.  Book Appointment