For those of you who have asked, here’s a little more background to my story. It doesn’t seem like much, but when I look back, I see how the Universe was there the whole time leading me to my next right step–even when it was a major struggle and I felt like giving up.
What I Learned About Transformation
There’s more to these pictures of me than the apparent gray hair transformation. The picture on the left was taken in 2009 when I was running a successful personal styling practice in San Francisco. The one on the right was taken a year later…just as my hair finished growing out. The entire process sparked an internal change for me.
I’m a true believer that changing your physical appearance in an authentic way (diet, exercise, clothing & style) affects how you feel about yourself…it can be the door that opens up the beauty within. And color plays a big role!
During the time I was growing out my silver, I started getting in touch with my inner essence through meditation. My prayer was to be truly aligned with my mission of helping women see and embrace their authentic beauty and transform their lives.
Little did my former self on the right know she was going to be learning this very thing and entering a 3-year dark night of the soul 

Transformation takes time… especially when you’re completely changing course. And for me that meant going through a divorce, moving to a new town 600 miles away, losing my business & financial safety net…and moving again. It was the universe’s way of getting me on the right path…and even though it was HELL, I’m thankful I went through it as it led me to further develop my work on color.
I’m calmer, happier and feel completely on purpose. My intuitive gifts reopened and blossomed, my connection to Source got more profound, and my relationships and work have deepened and blessed my life in beautiful ways. My life is so different from what it was. In fact, I don’t even think I’d recognize my 40-something self.
I’m here to tell you that there is deep beauty on the other side of these transformational times in our lives.
It’s WHY I do what I do…to help you embrace your authentic beauty and transform your life and business with the energy of color.

To those of you who are younger, trust the process. To those of you who’ve gone through some of the same (or worse!!), you are so strong. It does make sense on the other side and life IS beautiful, with all its messy parts.