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Channeled Healing from Pallas Athena

Coming out of the pandemic doesn’t feel like a reprieve. It’s almost like we’ve jumped out of the frying pan into the fire of climate change, war, and political extremism.

Now, AI is taking over and many are getting fooled by seeing the Pope in a puffer.

So, what are we to do? Ignore it all? Unplug the phone and go back to analog? Protest? Get involved in our communities?

Perhaps a little of all of the above.

But most importantly, go within and reconnect to your higher self.

In this video, I provide a healing from Pallas Athena, one of the guardians of the Libraries of Light and Color within the Akashic Records.


2 Ways to Unveil the Secrets Within YOU(hue):

1. Determine your soul color with a Guided Meditation
2. Create an integrated and authentic life with private, intuitive guidance.