Color mystery school with arden reece

The Aligned and prosperous mystic

Unleash your true purpose, elevate your presence, and bring your work to the world


Weave the Magical with the Practical

You’re creative, intuitive, and entrepreneurial—and you want to be able to use color to create an energy shift in your clients—and in yourself!

You’re ready for Color Mastery. And the Color Mystery School and community is here to help you get there.

JOIN THIS AMAZING GROUP OF CREATIVE & SPIRITUAL ENTREPRENEURS TODAY and tap into the power of color with Live Group Sessions twice a month.

We’re Living In A Time Of Massive Transformation

Since the pandemic, life and the way of business have changed. 

We got more real, vulnerable, and authentic about who we are …gone are the days of filters, slick videos, and trendy websites.  

Yet, with anger percolating left and right, we also have seen anxiety and burnout rise. Social media has caused many to take a break from it or give up completely.

We don’t know who our audience is anymore and frankly, we don’t seem to care…kind of. We are tired.

Tired and burnt out.

And so it happens, rather ironically, that now is the time you are being called forth. 

You’re getting that “pull”, that call to step up fully and BE who and what you came here on earth to do. And it’s not bean-counting or project management.

It’s deep work that calls for you to lift the vibrations of others. 

What that exactly means, you’re a bit unsure. Because understanding the Universe is like playing a game of Spirit charades. We don’t have all the answers and trusting is a big part of the game.

But one thing you do know is that you need to step it up and make it happen.

You’ve already gone through and done the work. You have had healing after healing with shamans, healers, and intuitives. You have stepped through the many clearings and activations that have called your soul, your higher self, into being a constant presence within you. 

You are a guide, a way-shower, a coach. 

But you’re in a fog of doubt because you’re not feeling fully aligned with your purpose or presence. 

You may have noticed that what used to work in your business, doesn’t seem to move the needle anymore. 

Everything you try feels inauthentic.

And with social media and all this new technology, the market is a bit saturated….right?


There are two reasons why nothing seems to work anymore

1) The energies of how conscious solopreneurs work are changing to a more co-creative, flow-state with the unseen realms. Meaning, you’re up-leveling to a different vibration and way of being. And this requires alignment and spiritual integrity on your part.

This leads to the second point…

2) The popular approaches that worked for many are now in the past and are best for the masses, not for the growing group of individuals that are awakening now.

It’s time to bring your work to the world.

It’s different now.

What you bring to the table is now something that was never considered “normal” back in the day.

There’s an increasing awareness and acceptance of our mental well-being such as meditation, coaching, and energy healing.

  • The spiritual growth and personal development industry is HOT and is expected to grow 6.7% through 2028. That’s significant!
  • More people are seeking to improve their well-being and reach their full potential through help with their spiritual growth, mental health, emotional intelligence, and leadership development.

Because of that, the demand for your services and products (eg coaching, books, workshops, online courses) is high.

To become prosperous and bring your work to the world, you’ll need to get fully aligned and step into this new energetic upleveling of your business.

Hi, I'm arden

I’m a color mystic who took a L-O-N-G time getting here. I guess you could say I’m a late bloomer.

For the past two decades, I’ve explored every nook and cranny of the color world and its many dimensions.

I’ve guided hundreds of women to embrace their inner and outer beauty and how to use the energies of color to elevate their lives, businesses, and even their level of enlightenment.

I went from initially helping women discover their most supportive colors to guiding and seeing their soul’s colors and true purpose. Basically, I went from 3D consciousness to 5D consciousness and then further into all the dimensions where I could truly “see” those I served.

I now share these unique methods in the Color Mystery School, exclusively with those who choose to create meaningful transformations for themselves and their clients.

I’m here to help you navigate the simple yet profound world of color mysticism that is the bridge to your 7D business. Here is where you can reveal and integrate your authentic presence and purpose—and magnetize the right clients—so you can bring forward your work to the world.

From 5D to 7D Consciousness

As I started working in 5D consciousness, so did my clients. So many beautiful things occur when you work with love and non-judgment. 

The work requires more flow, patience, and fewer task lists—something that we’re not used to when building and talking about our work.

And yet there’s more required!

We are now being asked to step further into 6D and 7D consciousness where our gifts are utilized in the unseen realms. This is the opening of a new time.

Sacred Work That Elevates Your Life And Business

The Aligned and Prosperous Mystic is the premier program within the Color Mystery School created for heart-centered coaches and creative guides like you who want to weave the magical with the practical into their business…all using the Energies of Color.

The outcome is simple: discover your soul’s calling and true life purpose, align your work with that new purpose by upgrading your presence, and then create a new offering by landing the right clients that are energetically matched with you.

“Profound!  It is difficult to find the right words for the riches this program conveys. It’s not for the faint of heart! :)

You will love the way Arden presents the material and encourages you to engage with multiple aspects of yourself and your business. Her generosity and profound knowledge simultaneously act as an initiatory journey through the rainbow bridge.” 💜 


Mystery schools are set up to prepare individuals to discover and integrate ancient, universal wisdom for their soul growth and embodiment.

The Color Mystery School brings in the energy of color to assist with bridging the gap between the spiritual and the practical so that you can create a life and business that is fully authentic to you…and that makes sense in the world.

What Happens Inside the program

Inside the Aligned and Prosperous Mystic program, I’m aiming to have you aligned with your soul’s purpose and get your upleveled, magnetic offering out the door in the next 90 days, so you’ll feel confident that you’re finally on the right path, working with your true clients that let you fulfill your life’s calling.

To do that, we’ll solve the 3 most significant problems that mystically inclined coaches and guides typically face:

  1. Misalignment with their true purpose
  2. Not being authentically seen
  3. Attracting clients that are energetically draining…or no clients at all!

The first problem we need to solve is the misalignment and lack of clarity you have surrounding your true purpose. Most folks I work with are unclear on what they’re really here on earth to do and have a tough time understanding their intuition correctly and knowing where to go. 

I mean, how do you integrate your soul’s purpose into work that is meaningful AND that supports you financially? We’ll work on that in harmony with Spirit so you can get clear. In addition, we’ll discover all the inner and outer color energies that provide you with support and healing. To create that alignment…

  • We’ll start by uncovering your Color Blueprint and creating mood boards for your soul. Knowing who your color allies are in your physical and auric fields and your most important soul colors is the first energetic step to getting you aligned super fast. 
  • Next, we’ll go on a vision quest to reveal your unique superpowers. This involves some intuition-based mapping of your soul gifts and guided visualization journeys to retrieve the messages from your soul. You’ll gain clarity on your true potential and align with the work you are meant to do.
  • Then, we’ll focus on creating the right energies for your success and discovering who you’re here to serve. Since most mystically inclined guides are empaths, we’ll harness your powerful force to work with your sensitive energy, not against it.

The result? You’ll feel completely aligned with your power, have clarity on the work you’re to bring forward, and feel confident about the path you’ve set.


The second problem we’ll solve is feeling invisible and not being seen for who you authentically are. There’s often an incongruity between who you are on the inside and how you portray yourself on the outside. So we’ll work on that outer part to align your presentation with your purpose. I’ll walk you through my tried and true Authentic Presence Method which gets you to attract the right people and clients into your world.

  • First, you’ll want a clear plan for integrating your personality, energy, and purpose into your overall look. I call this my Personal Essence Profiler and it will make conveying your style and energy virtually foolproof.
  • Next, once you have the first part of the Authentic Presence Method in place, we’ll work together on creating specific looks that elevate your moods and your appearance online, in person, and behind the camera. 
  • Finally, we’ll translate everything from your personal essence into a strong brand presence and identity plan. We’ll focus on integrating the supporting colors and symbols that evoke your essence so it’s clear who you are without saying a word. You’ll see it all come to life with the right look and direction for your headshots, imagery, and website.

Along the way, we’ll counter the feelings of vulnerability at being seen with lots of practical and magical applications. With these important steps in place, you’ll authentically communicate yourself and your work in the world. In the end, you’ll manifest your most authentic expression and come away with a high-level of confidence in how you present yourself and your work. 

The third big problem is attracting the wrong clients. 

If you’re looking to get Aligned and Prosperous, you’ll want to focus on bringing your work to those energetic matches that are aligned with you. 

When you work with the wrong energetic matches, your energy gets drained quickly and you end up exhausted. Or, you don’t see your blindspots and feel frustrated when nothing works, causing your own energy to get scattered. Unfortunately, many mystics rely on the Universe to do all the heavy lifting in this area. 

In order to fix this…

  • We’ll get clear on who the energetic matches are for you.
  • We’ll establish a thought-leadership strategy in co-creation with Spirit that increases your value and focuses your energy on one clear and simple direction that addresses your key client’s issues.
  • Then, we’ll design a marketing structure that allows you to develop and nurture your following authentically and intentionally. It’ll be simple to develop with none of those distracting bells and whistles. 
  • Lastly, we’ll focus on creating a magnetic offering that attracts the right clients and generates income for you in a way that feels good and effortless. 

By keeping it simple and free from distractions, you’ll establish your thought leadership and attract the right folks who are engaged and aligned with what you offer.

The end result is that you’ll become aligned with your new purpose and on the path to prosperity. When you have these areas down, you’ll feel powerfully aligned with your purpose and see your work evolve and income grow.

“Arden is a remarkably gifted colour oracle who generously shares her divine knowledge and passion for colour while opening up an incredible journey of discovery.

Sharing this journey with others has been super fun and rewarding!

LISA HUNTER, Artist, Australia

Why a mystery school for color?


Short answer? It’s time.

Color speaks to you spiritually, emotionally and physically.

It aligns every part of you so that your higher self can step forward and integrate her energy with yours. It’s an actual process that I’ve gone through myself.

In 2018 I lived in France for 3 months. What started as a pilgrimage to learn more about Mary Magdalene, ended as full integration with my higher self and a complete upleveling of my spiritual gifts.

I had found a better, even more heart-centered way to see. And color was there every step of the way.

I’ve kept these practices and rituals from the general public because they’re sacred.

In private conversations or readings, I may share a bit that is important to guide you.

Yet, it hasn’t been until now that I bring it all forward in this beautiful container of the Color Mystery School.

It’s part intuitive development, part color wisdom enhancement, part creative upleveling of your full expression.

And it’s time…

to not only explore the meanings and souls of each color, but to embrace your intuitive gifts and use color as your tool for healing, inspiration and joy. 

It’s YOUR time.

“Only those who love color are admitted to its beauty and immanent presence. It affords utility to all, but unveils its deeper mysteries only to its devotees.”

here's how it all works

  • Once you join, you’ll get immediate access to the Color Mystery School’s Wisdom Portal.  There, you can access the Energies of Color Library, Visualizations, and some Bonus Resources straightaway. These materials are there to support you on your journey.


  • As a group, we meet weekly on Mondays* (Tuesday if you’re in Australia) to start the week off.


  • Each Thursday*, we meet to focus on a specific 6-week blueprint surrounding one of the pillars: discovering your purpose, building your presence, or creating energetic matches.

    Whether that’s receiving energetic support, developing your intuitive skills, brainstorming offerings, or building a powerful palette of color allies.

  • There’s also a private community of mystically-minded coaches and creatives within the school so you don’t need to visit Facebook or another community platform. It’s totally private and a safe place for you to share and get help.

  • Expect to commit at least 1.5-2 hours a week to the program! You can expect to see results within 3 months.


  • Most importantly, we’ll be spending lots of one-on-one time in the live sessions, in the community, and privately as needed. And yes, mini-readings will be offered!

You’ll have access to the Aligned & Prosperous Mystic program and community for as long as the Color Mystery School is offered!

There’s no cut-off date. Once you’re in, you’re in.

*Access to the live sessions and me are covered for a full year under your current membership and then it moves to a small monthly fee thereafter if you wish to continue with the live calls.

What's inside?

Energies of Color Library

Authentic Presence Method

Reveal Your Power + Purpose

Activations & Visualizations

Plus, these bonuses...

Learn the meanings, secrets and personalities behind the 10 hues and 3 monochromatics. Each hue is covered in detail providing you the biological and psychological meanings of all the colors including their energies and color personalities.

Audio Podcast with World-Renowned Psychic & Author Carol Ann Liaros

Auras are bands of color and light that surround each of us. Auras can give insights into your life and experiences based on their appearance and colors. In this inspiring and informative interview, Arden talks with the world’s foremost expert, Carol Ann Liaros, on how to see auras and their colors by accessing your intuitive self.

Carol Ann Liaros is a professional psychic with over 50 years’ experience as an intuition trainer, lecturer, and author of Unlocking Your Intuition ~ 7 Keys to Awakening Your Psychic Potential and co-author of Edgar Cayce on Auras and Colors ~ Learn to understand color and see auras.

She has worked with Edgar Cayce’s Association for Research and Enlightment for almost 30 years, in addition to CEOs and upper management of Fortune 10 corporations, churches and psychologists and psychiatrists.

Her innovative psychic techniques led to designing Project Blind Awareness and Junior Project Blind Awareness: a training program for the blind to help becoming more mobile and independent using their own psychic / intuitive skills. The Parapsychology and Medicine training for doctors and nurses was a breakthrough in the 1970’s and her Mentoring Program and Psychic Intensive and very popular!

Appearing in the movie Inner Spaces with astronaut Edgar Mitchell, Ms. Liaros and a blind 14-year-old were on the popular TV Show That’s Incredible. She has appeared on national and international TV, hundreds of radio shows, newspaper articles as well as over 30 books written by other authors. As the subject of psychic research, her accuracy range over a two-year study was 93-97% when predicting the future.

Audio Podcast with Intuitive Business Coach April Choulat

In this fascinating conversation with energy healer and life coach extraordinaire, April Choulat, you’ll discover what the 12 chakras are (based on Cyndi Dale’s system) and what their spiritual gifts are. Each of the chakras have a specific purpose and many of us know the basic seven, but listen in as you learn what the other five are, how they manifest themselves and what you can do to create alignment so that you can achieve more prosperity.

April Choulat is an intuitive life and business coach who teaches transformational service providers how to integrate various levels of energetic and spiritual healing into their work. She specializes in supporting heart-centered service providers including coaches, therapists and medical professionals to tap into their spiritual gifts so they can help heal others through abundant and profitable businesses.

Since 2009, she’s been coaching highly sensitive entrepreneurs to develop and align their spiritual gifts to maximize their ability to serve others. She is certified as a Money Breakthrough Method Coach and an Angel Intuitive, as well as a part of Cyndi Dale’s Energy Community Directory. She helps her clients overcome energetic, physical and emotional blocks so that they can receive greater prosperity and get their gifts out into the world. Her unique way of working allows her clients to hone their spiritual gifts and align themselves more fully with Universal Flow.

Audio Podcast with Chakra Expert, Anodea Judith

Chakras are the sacred energy centers within you that carry you toward greater aliveness and realization. As the architecture of the soul, they provide an important map for your wholeness and evolution. Anodea is one of the foremost experts on chakras and shares her wisdom in this special interview with Arden.

Anodea Judith, Ph.D. has been called “a prophet for our time.” A groundbreaking thought leader who is the founder and director of Sacred Centers, and a writer, therapist, and spiritual teacher. Her passion for the realization of human potential matches her concern for humanity’s impending crises—her fervent wish is that we “wake up in time.”

She holds Masters and Doctoral degrees in Psychology and Human Health, is a 500 hour registered yoga teacher (E-RYT), with lifelong studies of psychology, mythology, sociology, history, systems theory, and mystic spirituality. She is considered one of the country’s foremost experts on the combination of chakras and therapeutic issues and on the interpretation of the Chakra System for the Western lifestyle. She teaches across the U.S., as well as in Canada, Europe, Ireland, Asia, and South and Central America.

What participants of the mystery school have said

The color mystery school is perfect if...

You’re ready to Reawaken your best self and Take Your Intuition, Creativity And Business To New Heights!!

includes level 1 certification

become a Soul Color Specialist

A Soul Color Specialist is an artist, energy healer or creative who integrates the mystical with the physical. She is heart-centered and works with integrity and without judgement to guide her clients to understand their soul colors. She does this by embracing her creative imagination and guiding her human clients (and sometimes animal) with important color information for their soul’s ascension.

About the Energies of Color Course

The important details

The total cost is $4950 (or $1950 upfront and then $500/mo x 6). 

With an authentic presence, spiritual upleveling, and engaged following, I expect your upgraded work will multiply your investment.

If you’re not blown away by our work together, just let me know in the first 30 days and I’ll refund you 100% of what you paid. There’s absolutely no risk to give it a go and get started.

Most Flexible

Monthly Payments
$ 500 $1950 1st mo, then x6 Monthly
  • Annual Membership and access to Mystic Mondays and Thursday Blueprint Sessions
  • Includes Lifetime Access to all the materials and private community!

most Simple

One Payment
$ 4950 Save $750
  • Annual Membership and access to Mystic Mondays and Thursday Blueprint Sessions
  • Includes Lifetime Access to all the materials and private community!

The Aligned & Prosperous Mystic program is a 100% Risk-Free Investment

I know that the insights and practices you’ll discover in this special program will have the power to transform your life in all areas. And I want you to feel great about making this investment in yourself.

It’s 100% risk-free! If you start the program and it’s not right for you for whatever reason, there’s a 30-day, risk-free money-back guarantee.

There’s little to lose -— and everything to gain.


You don’t have to ‘see’ to gain access. In fact, most people sense and feel their inner spiritual colors and in the Mystery School you’ll be guided to do the same.

One thing that I’ve disliked is how course creators have used a “limited time offer” ploy when there really was no time limit. The program is open throughout the year and you can join at any time.  This is a live program where I am physically active every week engaging with you. 

You’ll want to dedicate a minimum of 2 hours a week the first 3 months! The Color Wisdom Portal contains an abundance of videos on color meanings, fun practices, as well as a forum for the community. You have lifetime access to all of this and can take advantage of the materials at your own pace. The twice-weekly live calls help guide you through the program so you get personalized attention and won’t ever feel overwhelmed.

The Thursday sessions will be recorded so if you can’t make it LIVE, you’ll have access to the recording within 24 hours.

The calls are scheduled for 1pm PT, 4pm ET to accommodate for Australian timezones. Additional times may be added in the future for easier access to those in Europe.

Yes! Since 2012, my work has solely focused on the energy of color and I’ll be sharing my methods and tools to show you how to “see”. You’ll get to practice seeing your own aura, chakras and soul colors and discover how to provide these services to your own clientele.

You’ll also gain insights from other members in the school…kindred spirits who are also working on leveling up and growing their intuition and gifts.

You’ll have LIFETIME access to the amazing community and any future program upgrades. Once you’re in, you’re in! :)  The live calls and private sessions with me are included for your first year and then will be available to you for a small monthly fee thereafter.

Once you join, you’ll have access to the program and Color Wisdom Library where you’ll be able to access your materials, stream videos and listen on your desktop, tablet or smart phone. The school is hosted by Simplero so you’ll be able to download the app and access your materials from that as well. The workbooks, worksheets, and practices are all easily downloadable in PDF format and can be saved to your device for lifetime access.

Yes, the payment plan extends out for 6 months to make it more affordable for you.

You’ll be billed a deposit and then subsequent payments in monthly installments for the number of months stated. With a payment plan, your payments are automatically charged every 30 days.

Yes! I want you to be completely happy and confident that you made the right decision and offer a risk-free guarantee. So, if you start the program and have logged in and participated and find it’s not right for you, I include a 30-day money-back guarantee.

If there is anything we can help you with, please email us at, and we’ll be happy to help!

Are you Ready?

If this resonates with you, and because this provides my highest level of service and attention, I find that having a call first to see if this is a good fit is extremely important.

Because, heck…you might be needing something else so it’s best to talk. ;)

Step 1 is to schedule a quick 15-minute Zoom with me to do a Business Energy Review to see IF or HOW I can help you.

If I can’t, I’ll let you know politely and I’ll try and point you in the right direction to someone who can. If I feel I can help, we’ll book another time to talk about HOW.

Not Sure?

Schedule a complimentary session with Arden and find out.

Your Next Step is simple

If you’re getting that hit from your intuition that this program could benefit you… then this is your moment to step forward.

The next couple of months have the power to change your life and work forever. 

I can’t wait to personally welcome you.

Overall, here's what you receive when you enroll…