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Finding your Path

Color is the bridge to your own spiritual awakening and enlightenment… and the energy of color is here to support you! 🌈✨

Recognizing your brilliance and sovereignty, Arden fosters and guides you to live an authentic life aligned with your soul. Alongside her clairvoyant gifts, she is a Certified Wayfinder Coach trained in various coaching methods and healing modalities to help you reclaim your true self and power.

Through her transformative and enlightening sessions, Arden supports you in tapping into your intuitive abilities and understanding the profound beauty and complexity of the cosmos, significantly enhancing your spiritual journey and personal development.


I’m an expert in color who’s also a clairvoyant channel. In 2013, my gift took a spin and I started seeing colored soul visions of my clients as I was pulling colors for them. That’s when I discovered we all have soul colors that show our unique purpose. 
Learn more about my story >

What You'll Experience

Creative Expansion

Use color as a tool to contribute toward what you’re already creating and accomplishing in your life.

Ease + Flow

Be able to easily find your colors in stores. Shop efficiently and stop wasting money on items that don’t work for you.


Exude confidence and know that you’re wearing the right colors for who you are. Know what to wear for photos, videos and important meetings!

Feeling Seen

Feel authentically seen where everything about you (your brand, your wardrobe, your essence) reflects your true colors.

Powerful Presence

Claim the power colors that position you and increase your perceived value. Look like you’re worth 3x more than what you’re charging now.


Ignite a reawakening of your love of color. Learn things about yourself that you never knew, or, quite possibly, have forgotten


Finally understand the meanings and intentions of your unique colors… plus when to wear them to help you appear more magnetic and naturally beautiful!


Be in full alignment with who you are…mind, body and spirit. Transform your wardrobe from a mundane thing to something sacred and extraordinary.

Reclaimed Beauty

Show up in the world surrounded by colors that support you in your expression. Fall in love with color, and with what you see in the mirror.

philosophy + code of ethics

At our very essence, we are all of Divine light which is expressed uniquely through color. This source energy is pure love and as we connect deeply to our souls through our energetic colors and vibrations, we find our true purpose and joy. 

My work is based on a strong foundation of professional integrity and spiritual ethics. Of the utmost importance is honoring your full essence throughout the process of our work together:

  • I maintain the boundaries of myself and my clients. I never journey, intuit or conduct energetic healing for you without your express permission and conscious participation.
  • My human expression provides a unique lens through which my work is done. There is no hierarchy in the multidimensional spirit realms and as such, I don’t claim superiority/inferiority with others regards to my intuitive work, teachings, or offerings.
  • I practice using non-judgment to describe what Spirit is sharing for your highest good. I recognize that an object in 3D may very well have a different meaning in the dimension I’m working so I maintain a child’s viewpoint to see/hear/sense.
  • I practice spiritual hygiene daily and continually align and embody my Higher Self so that I can be of service.
  • I understand and practice from the path of guidance. I know that we all have the answers within us and that I am there as a guide only, not as an “advice-giver.”
  • I create a safe space and container for you by maintaining your confidentiality and referring you to other qualified professionals or specialists when doing so might better serve you.
  • An intuitive reading is not a replacement for legal, financial, medical, or any other professional advice & should not be considered an alternative by the client. Please consult the appropriate professional for your needs.

Let's Connect

My unique and intuitive approach to color has been shared onstage with organizations and on podcasts including Jhirmack, The Shift Network, and I’m Awake! Now What?

If you want to chat on your podcast, hire me to work with your team, or speak at your company, then let’s connect.

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Join Creative Mystics in Unveiling Their True Hues.

Every Thursday get tips and resources on creating alignment and using color energetically for your personal & professional growth.

Member IACC & ISCC

Since its founding in 1957, the International Association of Color Consultants (IACC) has been the only color organization in the world that is dedicated to enhancing the human experience through color design and application. Specially trained in the functional application of color and human response, professionals of the IACC are highly regarded for their color knowledge, credibility and commitment to integrating the art and science of color.

The ISCC (Inter-Society Color Council) is the principal professional society in the field of color in the United States, encompassing the arts, sciences and industry.

10% Savings on all readings thru Dec 31. Use code COLORJOY.  Book Appointment